Friday, October 1, 2010

Entire Email

Email Transcript with Mark Cahill

Hello Brother...
I was wondering if you were still planning to get a DVD together on the Catholic deception?
I had emailed you about a year ago and made a legal size tract for Catholics based on the MP3 that you had.
It has led to several conversations and I pray that the ones who took it will be led by the Holy Ghost and be regenerated.
You had mentioned that you were working, or planning on working on a DVD of it.
I have checked from time to time, and do not see that there is one made yet.

So I send this as a question or encouragement.
Thanks in advance for your reply.
Michael Adams...
                      Remember... the Gospel is ours to Proclaim, not to edit!"

The chief reason I am a Reformed Christian...
   is not a heartfelt devotion to the Magisterial Reformers like Martin Luther or John Calvin.
   Although God used these men mightily, they are not the reason!
The main reason is...  
   That the Reformed message, thunders out from the pages of Scripture...
   when the principles of hermeneutics (the science of biblical interpretation) are applied.
  When the text is left to speak for itself, within its own context, the truth is clearly seen.
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“But His Word was in my heart like a
BURNING FIRE  shut up in my bones...”
“Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!”
(Jeremiah 20:9 - 1 Corinthians 9:16)
May the Grace, peace and Love of Christ be upon you...


Thanks Michael.
 The man who has the footage of the talk still has not given it to me.  it is a crazy situation.  I have not been able to give it anywhere else where we can film it.
 I saw the ‘reformed’ in your email.  You aren’t into the false teachings of calvinism are you Michael?

Brother Mark, I do hope that you will get it , and will pray about it.
You have brought out and exposed many good points in the MP3, and I for 1 am grateful of the dedication and love you have to expose the truth of the lies that are taught in the Roman Catholic Religion.

And I am not surprised by your question of Calvinism.
And I respond honestly and in Love of the fellow Brother in Christ that you are, so if any of my response sounds sharp, it is not meant to be, as I am not a writer nor very articulate, so I apologize in advance if any of it comes across as rude.

But I am surprised that someone who quotes CH Spurgeon as much as you have, would think that the Doctrines of Grace are false.
Using one of his quotes...
"The old truth that Calvin preached, that Augustine preached, that Paul preached, is the truth that I must preach today,
or else be false to my conscience and my God. I cannot shape the truth; I know of no such thing as paring off the
rough edges of a doctrine. John Knox's gospel is my gospel. That which thundered through Scotland must thunder
through England again."
—C.H. Spurgeon (Also attached a PDF from Spurgeon)

I never set out to be an Arminian nor a Calvinist, I was in my mindset when I became a Christian, I was just going to be a Christian, and stay away from all that doctrine stuff... The I read the Bible through for the first time, and was shocked to find a completly different Jesus than the Purpose Driven, or Arminian Jesus that was waiting and hoping that I would choose him, when it was so clearly written that even as "he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love"
(Ephesians 1:4 ESV)

And to this day I know that there are no Arminians or Calvinists in Heaven, only Christians.

So after reading the Bible, and then learning from men who put what I read and learned into words so much better than myself, like Spurgeon, Luther, Bunyan, Edwards, Calvin, MacArthur, Comfort, Whitefield etc... I grew from milk to meat, is the only way I can explain it.

And as I started sharing my faith, I knew something was still wrong, and until I stopped sharing like an Arminian asking for a decision, and started sharing the Gospel, not my faith. That is another difference that reflects the writings of Spurgeon, Luther, Bunyan, Edwards, Calvin, MacArthur, Comfort, Whitefield etc... they share "the Gospel" and not "their faith". There is a difference and it is a continuing pointing to the Gospel Alone and Grace Alone.

Calvinism vs Arminianism can be compared to Monergism vs Synergism or Regeneration vs Decision-ism.
May I ask (in Love) what part of Monergism it is that you feel is false, or what merits Synergism has over Monergism, or Decision-ism has over Regeneration? (Question not meant to be loaded, but direct)

Thanks in advance and look forward to hearing from you as always.

Attached PDF of (Spurgeon on the Defense of Calvinism.pdf )

Thanks Michael.
 I put Spurgeon in my books not knowing he made false statements like “calvinism is the gospel.’  That is not even close to being Biblically correct.
 The good news is that spurgeon is no longer a Calvinist.  That all changed when he died.
 You cannot, and I mean cannot, read the Bible front to back without realizing man has the right and responsibility to choose.  Choose this day whom you will serve.
 And remember since people are dead in their sins, and they example used by Calvinists is a dead person, your preaching is in vain.  They desire nothing of the God that you talk about.  funny though how I find people all the time, an atheist named Kyle the other day, very interested in the topic of God and eternity.  I guess he wasn’t a dead person was he Michael?   Calvinism is wrong on so many fronts.
 If you choose to believe that, that is your choice.  Just please don’t lead anyone else into that false doctrine.

Brother Mark, I praise the Lord for the caring nature that He has given you.
May I respond in kind with a quote again from Spurgeon that cuts away labels, and I believe this is important. Spurgeon said of a Brother, maybe in the same manner of the strong disagreement of Paul and Barnabas, "Most atrocious things have been spoken about the character and spiritual condition of John Wesley, the modern prince of Arminians. I can only say concerning him that, while I detest many of the doctrines that he preached, yet for the man himself I have a reverence second to no Wesleyan; and if there were wanted two apostles to be added to the number of the twelve, I do not believe that there could be found two men more fit to be so added than George Whitfield and John Wesley" CH Spurgeon.
Brother Mark, as I respond, it is not to debate with you, but rather to converse with you as a much respected teacher, I have read both your books through many times, and have made many gifts of them. I am but a youngling and have much to learn, but I also know that this exact topic has been debated by many and I by no means am trying to convince you of things you already have heard of by others more Scholarly than I.
Although my first reading through of the Bible, I had not learned a doctrine, one was already forming in front of me, and although I had not set out to call it anything but Christian, I soon learned that there were all kinds of doctrines, but the one that harmonizes and thunders out is called Calvinism.
Now I STOP you here and ask sincerely, are you not thinking of Hyper Calvinism, which is no Calvinism at all, in the same manner Jehovah Witnesses call themselves Christians, but are no Christians at all?
When you ask... or state... “Man has the right and responsibility to choose”...
Since this part of the sentence consists of 2 things, “right” and “responsibility”, I will need to separate them and will work with the word “responsibility.”
A Hyper Calvinist, would disagree with you. But Historic Calvinism agrees we have a responsibility.
Again using Spurgeon for pointing out error:
“Hyper-Calvinism, simply stated, is a doctrine that emphasizes divine sovereignty to the exclusion of human responsibility. To call it "hyper-Calvinism" is something of a misnomer. It is actually a rejection of historic Calvinism.... “ You can read the rest here if you desire...
Perhaps you have been exposed to Hyper-Calvinism?
Mark, you also stated “And remember since people are dead in their sins, and they example used by Calvinists is a dead person, your preaching is in vain.” As you know, many places reference the state of man as dead in the Scriptures. But the best 2 examples I see that harmonizes this so beautifully are in Ezekiel and John.
In Ezekiel 37, Dry Bones, dead non hearing dry bones, were brought to life not by their own will, but by a man speaking because His Lord told him to, and when that man spoke, what happened? Who caused the breath to be breathed in, who caused the sinews to be grown and the flesh to be laid upon, and who caused the skin to cover them? It was a Monergistic, regeneration of God, as he says many times over and over, I will cause, I will make, I will put, I will sprinkle, and on and on...
In John the Raising of Lazarus clearly should show that Jesus even made the point to wait, so that all could see that he was Dead, not wounded or very sick and just needs some coaxing... No he was quite dead and incapable of hearing, just like the Kyle you wrote about. Until God opens his eyes and gives him sight, he will be in darkness, and we, you or I can be as clever with out tracts and the words we say and the apologetic's we use, but unless God grants him repentance, as 2 Tim 2:25 states, and it is God, not mans will, like is written “But to all who did receive him, who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. (John 1:12-13 ESV)
It is the Will of God, not God and man. Gods will be done, not God and mans will be done.
Is not a doctrine that teaches otherwise a doctrine that creates a little Jesus, that is hoping we choose Him, and gives man the ultimate power? I cannot find that Jesus anywhere in the Bible, but I do see him in most all American easy-believism, God has a wonderful plan for you churches.
I believe you even use Ray Comfort quite a bit, take for example in Season 3 # 28 “where has the passion gone” they do a skit on “The Greasy Grace Church... Slide in, you'll never be uncomfortable... Pastor Lou C. Fur” where they show the many errors of the self or easy decision-ism gospel, and they expound on just how wrong decision-ism or Synergism is.
On a last discussion Mark, I have heard you pray, in fact I have met you 3 times, and heard you pray in person, and like Spurgeon again says you would have to pray a prayer like this:
"Lord, I thank thee I am not like those poor presumptuous Calvinists Lord, I was born with a glorious free-will; I was born with power by which I can turn to thee of myself; I have improved my grace. If everybody had done the same with their grace that I have, they might all have been saved. Lord, I know thou dost not make us willing if we are not willing ourselves. Thou givest grace to everybody; some do not improve it, but I do. There are many that will go to hell as much bought with the blood of Christ as I was; they had as much of the Holy Ghost given to them; they had as good a chance, and were as much blessed as I am. It was not thy grace that made us to differ; I know it did a great deal, still I turned the point; I made use of what was given me, and others did not-that is the difference between me and them."
That would be absurd Mark, but if you pray like a non Calvinist, that is how you would pray. But I have seen and heard you pray, and you do not. Which leaves one last question... If it sounds snarky, it is not, but I am curious... Do you pray for your friends and Relatives to be Born Again Christians? If so why? Only a Calvinist doctrine should pray like that, because we truly know and believe that it is not anything of man that will bring him to salvation but the will of God. For a non Calvinist to pray such is diametrically opposite to ask God to interfere with mans free will, is it not?
Brother Mark, whether you respond r not, and whether you believe or not, I do believe that you are a Born Again Christian, and you teach many good things, and do show the Gospel to people, and that God will use you mightily to reach many of His sheep. I do Pray for your ministry, and thank you for your time.

Interesting email Michael.  It looks like the deception is complete in you.  Sorry to hear that.
 Look at the word ‘dead’ in the prodigal son story.  You will come away with a very different opinion of the word.
 God did not in eternity past elect certain people to go heaven Michael and unconditionally reject certain people to go to hell.  That is what calvinism is.  If you choose your label, be consistent with it.
 Anyone out there tonight can repent of their sins and believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ.  Period.  The Bible teaches that and Calvinists do not believe that.
 Get away from this false doctrine as soon as you can Michael. 

Thought you might enjoy these quotes if I had not already sent them to you.
Attached document saved in folder called (JohnCalvinQuotes.doc)
Brother Mark, I am so glad you took the time and thought to write and include the attachment.

I have seen some of these before. But I must caution you on something you may already know. John Calvin did not write Calvinism or the 5 points. And being a man who Loved God and His Holy Word as you and I do, he was still human, and like all of us, had flaws in his understandings as do you and I, as also do CH Spurgeon, Martin Luther, Whitefield, Newton, Bunyan, etc...

You may know that the 5 points were not just drafted up, but they were a result of establishing what was already doctrine, from the attack of new doctrines being introduced (again), into the Church. They were in response to the 5 points of Arminianism, which was not a result of Jacobus Arminius either. But rather his followers pushing forth upon his work.

I personally  have not read too much of John Calvin's works, but rather have, you could say mentored under the writings, preachings, and video teachings in some cases of men such as CH Spurgeon (Besides quotes, I have read many of his sermons, and several of his books, and read all of the events of “the Downgrade Controversy”, and am currently 1/3 through his commentary on the book of Matthew, his only full commentary on a book in the New Covenant), John MacArthur (I have listened, and watched many sermons and read many of his books and enjoy his no-frills Biblical preaching), Martin Luther (I especially loved his book Bondage of the will, where he references over 320 verses "in context" in response to Erasmus from the Roman Church, if you have not read it Mark, I think you may want to, and also his Commentary on Galatians, the book John Bunyan held second only to the Bible), John Bunyan (I read him first only because CH Spurgeon had referenced him as an inspiration, I was very curious as to what could inspire Spurgeon besides the Bible, and I sure found out why Spurgeon said that "if Bunyan cut himself, he would bleed Bible", I have studied and read many of Bunyan's writings), Ray Comfort (although not an acknowledged Calvinist, his strict adherence to mans sinful nature and being totally depraved, and his clear denouncing of decision-ism, nothing he consistently teaches conflicts with Calvinism, but rather conflicts on all 5 points of Arminianism, to be careful here, I am not declaring him either, I am just making an observance), AW Pink, James White,  Thomas Brooks, JC Ryle, Martyn Llyod Jones, Paul Washer, Thomas Watson, Mark Kielar, John Newton, etc...

Brother Mark, the above is not an exhaustive list, but I have also heard and read and seen some videos of Arminian preachers. Some include Rick Warren (before I was Regenerated I had taken his purpose driven class 3 times, I was really misled by much of what he teaches) Charles Stanley ( I really got lost in his teachings that the "outer darkness and gnashing of teeth" is NOT Hell, but rather an outer part of Heaven), Dave Hunt (he has many mis-quotes, and I am not talking about mis speaks we all can have, but rather a pattern of them, he follows a close second to Stanley in re-defining terms as in no flames in Hell), Joel Osteen (Your best life now, I did not read much of it as I seen right away this was not Scriptural) And a few others...

As I could and do recommend the first set of people I have mentioned, I cannot and do not recommend any of the second list and do all I can to stop people from reading or listening to them if I an aware they are. And I point them to read and compare what they ready (from either list) to the Holy Scriptures, and to pray for God to guide them in their reading, and yes, I do tell them these exact words... "I tell them "do not take my word for it, Read the Bible for yourself, men can mis-lead you, but the Bible will not".

Brother Mark, I was the product of making dozens of "personal decisions" in many Churches most of my life. I called myself a Christian for many years, but Ray Comfort points it out all the time, decisions are easy to get and emotion based on what I want. Most of my family are in Armenian Churches and believe themselves saved because they said a prayer, or walked an isle... It saddens me so...

But I digress...
I really am happy, even elated that you did respond, and that  the possibility of a continuing doctrinal dialog may continue between us. I am not intrested in an email-war so to speak, but rather an earnest and  healthy exchange of Biblical learning and understanding,

I would like to share with you a PFD from Christ Covenant Sunday School that, I believe is non-bias but truthful in explaining some of the history of Calvinism, it is short and ends dispelling Hyper Calvinism.

Thank you again for your eternal vigilance in sharing the Gospel and encouraging so many to "read their Bibles".

Attached (Calvin500.pdf)

To Mark Cahill

In FOX NEWS: Survey: Many Americans Know Little About Religion

And in YAHOO NEWS:  Survey: Americans don't know much about religion

And the know less about Christianity !!!  (even the Mormon CULT knew more)
Could it be that they spend less time with their Bibles, and more time with TV, Movies, Sports, Gossip, Games, Exercise, Secular books, Passing emails, Dabbling in politics, etc...

Michael Adams...
                      Remember... the Gospel is ours to Proclaim, not to edit!"

The chief reason I am a Reformed Christian...
   is not a heartfelt devotion to the Magisterial Reformers like Martin Luther or John Calvin.
   Although God used these men mightily, they are not the reason!
The main reason is...  
   That the Reformed message, thunders out from the pages of Scripture...
   when the principles of hermeneutics (the science of biblical interpretation) are applied.
  When the text is left to speak for itself, within its own context, the truth is clearly seen.
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“But His Word was in my heart like a
BURNING FIRE  shut up in my bones...”
“Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!”
(Jeremiah 20:9 - 1 Corinthians 9:16)
May the Grace, peace and Love of Christ be upon you...

(I sent these 2 links to him)

Reformed theology does not thunder out from the pages of Scripture, Michael.  You are taking your preconceived notions to the text. 
 Man has the right and responsibility to choose.  Yes, choose.  That thunders from the garden of eden all the way to Revelation.
Brother, I only meant to share with you the news article that reflects much of what you probably already find on the street.
Although it may appear (from mans perspective) that he has a choice to make, and a some passages may seem to reflect that.
Back in the 1500's Martin Luther had the same debate with Roman Catholic Apologetic Desiderius Erasmus.

Luther referenced over 300 Scriptures, when in context, prove that Salvation is of the Lord, and is of the Lords doing, and is of the Lords will, and reflect to a "T" what God said and recorded through John: "But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, He gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.
(John 1:12-13 ESV)

That is thunder, and it is everywhere in Scripture.
If I send you something in the future, since I know that doctrine offends you, I will leave off my signature so as not to offend.

Or if you request, I will just not email you if you are offended.
It is not my intention to offend you. I have a high regard for you, and share your books with others.
But will respect it if you request that I not contact you.

Thank you for your time.

Thanks Michael.  I am on enough forwards.
 “But as many as received him…”  It is man’s responsibility to receive.  It is not irresistible grace that never is mentioned or shows up in the bible.